Category Archives: News

Call for Abstracts: Gravity Waves and FISAPS Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, 9-13 June 2025

Second announcement and call for abstracts for the joint FISAPS – GW Symposium at Yonsei University, Seoul in June 2025

This call is purely for abstracts, and we will circulate a registration form for the meeting separately in early 2025. Please feel free to forward this message more widely as you see fit; all are welcome, and you do not need to be a formal member of either Activity to attend or present.

 We are happy to consider any abstract within the scientific remit of the GW Activity or FISAPS, whether in the area of modelling, theory, observations or other. You will be asked to specify if your abstract is closer to the area of FISAPS or GWs, but there is an option to say it is relevant to both and there will be joint sessions between the two meetings suitable for such topics. Presenters can request oral, poster or flash (up to two minutes, with slides) formats for their presentation, and it is fine to submit multiple abstracts. We hope to send decisions on accepted abstracts within a few weeks of the closing date.

 You can find a form to submit your abstract here:  The closing date is Saturday 11th of January.

First announcement: NDACC 35th anniversary symposium, Virginia Beach, VA, US, 27-30 October 2025

An International Symposium Celebrating 35 Years of Global Atmospheric Research Enhanced by NDACC/NDSC Observations

The 2025 NDACC Symposium, hosted by Hampton University, celebrating 35 years of atmospheric research fostered by Network observations, will provide a forum to exchange information on the latest scientific achievements using NDACC and related observations, and to present NDACC’s measurement strategy for the future. We expect 150-200 scientists to participate in person, with more joining online.

Further information about the NDACC Symposium will be distributed through the webpage (starting in January 2025) with the abstract call coming in early spring of 2025.

QBOi – SNAP – QUOCA (QSQ) joint workshop, Cambridge, 24-28 March 2025

Improved simulations of the stratosphere for better predictions of
weather, climate and extreme events

A joint QBOi – SNAP – QUOCA (QSQ) workshop
24-28 March 2025, Cambridge, UK

The workshop’s purpose will be to facilitate the sharing and discussion of the latest results on the role of the stratosphere in models relevant for enhancing predictability on all timescales. The workshop will serve as the in-person kick-off for the new QUOCA (QUasi-biennial oscillation and Ozone Chemistry interactions in the Atmosphere) joint QBOi-CCMI project. The aim of the workshop is to better understand stratospheric processes and variability, uncertainties, and their influence on surface climate and predictability. Free-running, initialised, and nudged simulations designed to better understand the stratospheric response to external forcings (such as climate change or geoengineering), or to improve the representation of the predictable signal in surface climate related to stratospheric processes, are also encouraged. Studies examining the potential benefits of the use of artificial intelligence are welcome.
The workshop will consist of a mixture of invited and contributed talks, posters and reports on outcomes of the latest multi-model QBOi and SNAPSI experiments employing common nudging methodologies, as well as the QBOi-ENSO and the QUOCA experiments. Breakout sessions will identify gaps in our current knowledge that can usefully inform further coordinated model experiments, and work towards community consensus on their design. Breakouts will also focus on identifying how results from current QBOi, QUOCA and SNAP research can be best used to inform model development and broader scientific activities such as future CMIP planning. To get the full benefit from active breakout discussions, the workshop will be in-person, though it is hoped limited online options will be offered.

Abstract submission is open until December 2.

For more information, please visit the workshop website:

First announcement: Middle Atmosphere symposium at the IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Joint Assembly BACO2025, Busan (Republic of Korea), 20-25 July 2025

The Middle Atmosphere Symposium covers all aspects of middle atmospheric science, with emphasis on the interaction between dynamics, radiation and chemistry within the middle atmosphere itself and between the middle atmosphere and the troposphere. Observational, modelling, theoretical, and laboratory studies are all solicited. Research topics include (but are not limited to): 

– Gravity waves, their generation, propagation and breaking Sub-seasonal to decadal dynamical variability in the Middle Atmosphere 

– Middle Atmosphere response to anthropogenic and natural forcings 

– Stratospheric/Mesospheric chemistry and ozone 

– Radiation, microphysics, chemistry and dynamics at the tropopause

– Transport and mixing in multiple spatial scales 

– Tropical / extratropical dynamical interactions

– Vertical coupling in the Middle Atmosphere 

– Mechanisms of Stratosphere-Troposphere coupling, at all time scales 

– Role of the Middle Atmosphere on surface climate predictions and projections.

The first circular is here. BACO25 first circular

Abstract submission opens on October 15th

Virtual workshop for new APARC working group: Quasi-biennial oscillation and Ozone Chemistry interactions in the Atmosphere (QUOCA)

A joint QBOi-CCMI workshop
18-21 November, Virtual

The workshop’s purpose is to introduce the APARC community to QUOCA, a new joint QBOiCCMI working group aimed at improving understanding of QBO-ozone feedbacks in present-day and future climates.

The workshop will consist of invited and submitted talks related to the QBO ozone feedback and will aim to summarize recent progress in this area. The workshop will run over 4 days with 3 days of talks (2.5 h on each day) and 1.5h of discussion on day 4. Times have been chosen that are friendly to two sets of time zones on each day.

Talks will help generate ideas to motivate working groups devoted to analysis of the QUOCA experiments. Studies on all aspects of QBO-ozone feedbacks – ranging from idealized modeling results to observations-based constraints – are welcome.

Registration is available here.

First announcement: QBOi – SNAP – QUOCA (QSQ) joint workshop

Improved simulations of the stratosphere for better predictions of
weather, climate and extreme events

A joint QBOi – SNAP – QUOCA (QSQ) workshop
24-28 March 2025, Cambridge, UK

The workshop’s purpose will be to facilitate the sharing and discussion of the latest results on the role of the stratosphere in models relevant for enhancing predictability on all timescales. The workshop will serve as the in-person kick-off for the new QUOCA (QUasi-biennial oscillation and Ozone Chemistry interactions in the Atmosphere) joint QBOi-CCMI project. The aim of the workshop is to better understand stratospheric processes and variability, uncertainties, and their influence on surface climate and predictability. Free-running, initialised, and nudged simulations designed to better understand the stratospheric response to external forcings (such as climate change or geoengineering), or to improve the representation of the predictable signal in surface climate related to stratospheric processes, are also encouraged. Studies examining the potential benefits of the use of artificial intelligence are welcome.
The workshop will consist of a mixture of invited and contributed talks, posters and reports on outcomes of the latest multi-model QBOi and SNAPSI experiments employing common nudging methodologies, as well as the QBOi-ENSO and the QUOCA experiments. Breakout sessions will identify gaps in our current knowledge that can usefully inform further coordinated model experiments, and work towards community consensus on their design. Breakouts will also focus on identifying how results from current QBOi, QUOCA and SNAP research can be best used to inform model development and broader scientific activities such as future CMIP planning. To get the full benefit from active breakout discussions, the workshop will be in-person, though it is hoped limited online options will be offered.

Abstract submission will open at the end of September 2024.

Call for Proposals – WCRP 2024 Global South Fellowship: focus on Africa

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) announces a research fellowship with a focus on Africa. The fellowship is available through WCRP’s new Global South Fellowship program.
The objective of the Global South Fellowship program is to give early to mid-career researchers* from the Global South the benefit to develop their own WCRP related research activity, thereby boosting climate research activities in their own region. Fellowship topics can address a wide range of scientific questions outlined in the WCRP Science and Implementation Plan as formulated through priorities of WCRP activities (Core Projects and Lighthouse Activities).
For this 2024 call, WCRP is soliciting research proposals from early to mid-career candidates from the African continent. Such proposals must be supported by a host institution guaranteeing that a successful candidate will undertake the fellowship project full-time during the agreed period of the fellowship at the institution. Successful projects should address aspects of critical gaps in WCRP related African climate research, enhance climate action for and in Africa, help build a community of practice, and create the potential for leaving a strong legacy to build upon in the longer-term. As an example, proposals could catalyze development of community of practice for the climate-policy interface. Another example would be thematic idea of climate literacy, or the non-congruence of climate information for policy makers and different stakeholders. Successful projects should propose research that has the clear potential to be transformative and a develop a foundation for African researchers to lead a WCRP (legacy) project. The proposal should include links to relevant WCRP core activities, where appropriate.

Award details:
The WCRP leadership has allocated CHF 50K for a Global South Fellowship with focus on Africa. The award is intended to support the salary of one researcher. Each proposal needs to provide a detailed description of the research project, accompanied by a budget explaining how the resources will be utilized and over what duration, as well as whether there are any other resources that may be leveraged. The fellowship is intended to ideally start in late 2024 (subject to negotiations). The proposal should be accompanied by a letter of commitment written and signed by the host institution. Eligible costs can include (1) salary of the candidate comparable to host institution cost of employment; (2) travel support to a relevant WCRP meeting and essential local travel for research purposes; (3) purchase of an approved laptop. If necessary, institutional overhead can be negotiated. However, no equipment can be covered.

The successful applicant of this open call will be selected by the WCRP fellowship selection committee based on the submitted proposal and an oral/online interview, both of which must be outstanding and be clearly aligned with WCRP strategic objectives. The fellowship selection committee will consist of JSC members and leading members from the African research community.
Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to review WCRP’s Science and Implementation Plan and the description of WCRP’s Core Projects and Lighthouse Activities therein and build their project in consultation with the co-chairs of relevant WCRP groups.

Applications should be submitted only online through the link:
Application Form:
Proposal Template:

The deadline for submitting applications is 30 September 2024.

For more detailed information regarding this call and if you wish to find potential collaborators within WCRP, please contact Hindumathi Palanisamy () cc’ing Lian Xue ().

Disclaimer: The research proposal must be supported by a host institution guaranteeing that a successful candidate will undertake the fellowship project full-time during the agreed period of the fellowship at the institution. The WCRP Fellowship for Africa agreement will be signed between WMO and the host institution only and not with any individual candidate.

QUOCA – new joint QBO-CCMI working group

In the spirit of promoting cross-activity collaborations, APARC introduces a new joint QBOi-CCMI working group, QUOCA (QUasibiennial oscillation and Ozone Chemistry interactions in the Atmosphere), which is aimed at improving understanding of QBO-ozone feedbacks in present-day and future climates.

Through a community-approved experimental protocol, QUOCA will use chemistry climate models to examine the mechanisms controlling how changes in stratospheric ozone caused by QBO-driven changes in temperature and the circulation alter the heating rates and overall QBO structure. Broader questions related to the ozone feedback on the Brewer-Dobson circulation, QBO influences on trace gas distributions and the impact of an enhanced ozone QBO on teleconnections will also be explored.

QUOCA welcomes anyone who is interested in the coupling between ozone and the circulation to attend a virtual workshop held from November 18 to 21 introducing the activity and defining relevant working groups. Preliminary results from experiments will then be shared as part of a joint hybrid workshop with the QBOi and SNAPSI activities in Spring 2025 in Cambridge, UK.

If you are interested in hearing more about the project, please contact either Dr. Clara Orbe () or Dr. Alison Ming ().