Second Announcement: SPARC Hunga-Tonga impacts workshop

This is the first call for Abstracts for the 2nd SPARC open science workshop on the atmospheric impacts from Hunga Tonga, at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, France from Mon 22nd Apr to Wed 24th Apr 2024.

The workshop’s aim is to encourage collaboration and discussions towards the 2025 SPARC Hunga-Tonga impacts report, and we invite interested scientists from the broader atmosphere, climate and geoscience communities to attend to hear and present latest findings on the eruption’s effects.

The first 2 days of the meeting will be the main open-science workshop, with talks and posters on the latest Hunga-Tonga impacts science, sessions aligned to each chapter of the report,

Abstract submission and registration is now open, via the workshop website at: