Abstract submission open: 2020 Quadriennial Ozone Symposium

The abstract submission to the 2020 Quadriennial Ozone Symposium is now open. Submission is possible through the meeting webpage

The Symposium will take place 4 October – 10 October in Seoul, Korea

QOS 2020 will be an exciting international event for presenting and discussing recent research achievements and developments on ozone and related topics. Recently, a variety of new developments have taken place on all facets of atmospheric ozone, including its observation and impact on human health and ecosystems. Internationally renowned scientists, young scientists, and students will have a unique opportunity to present and discuss scientific issues, exchange ideas and establish collaborations.

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Abstract submission guidelines

In case any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us at .

Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission (April 15th 2020)
Application for young scientist/students’ support (May 1-15th 2020)
Notification of student support (June 30th 2020)
Selection of oral/poster presentation (May 31st 2020)
Notification of oral/poster presentations (June 30th 2020)
Final program (July 31st 2020)
Deadline for Pre-registration (Aug 31st 2020)