27 – 31 March 2023,
Oxford, UK
–– Find meeting webpage with latest updates

The workshop will consist of invited and submitted scientific talks and posters, plus open discussion in both plenary and smaller groups. It will also be an opportunity to present and discuss first results from new QBOi experiments on sensitivities to ENSO and QBO biases (QBOi nudging experiments).
Confirmed invited speakers:
Ewa Bednarz,
Martina Bramberger,
Mohamadou Diallo,
Rolando Garcia,
Marco Giorgetta,
Peter Hitchcock,
Kaoru Sato,
Adam Scaife,
Seok-Woo Son
The workshop is organised by the QBOi (Quasi-Biennial Oscillation initiative) SPARC activity in conjunction with the CCMI (Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative) and GW (Gravity Wave) SPARC activities.
You can register to the event, here (google docs).
Find more information in the meeting webpage
We anticipate some travel support for early-career scientists will be available, and remote participation will also be possible.
This workshop replaces the QBO@60+ workshop originally scheduled for July 2020 at the Met Office in Exeter, UK.
Scientific organising committee: James Anstey, Neal Butchart, Clara Orbe, Yoshio Kawatani, Scott Osprey, Yaga Richter, Corwin Wright.